the employee's criticism of the employer
xPorn is an adult streaming videos site. It also provides adult galleries, links to live adult cams, an on-demand adult video service, and an adult toy store.
Sworn to secrecy means that you are trusted not to tell a secret.
That hes a snake, not to be trusted.
The White House Office
Bullying can be stopped by adult intervention or law enforcement.
You need to talk to a trusted adult - parent, school counselor, clergy person, or trusted relative
Turn them into the principal or a trusted adult.
you should tell a trusted adult
Well, honey, those two options you just listed are like asking if you want to wear a red shirt or a crimson shirt - they're the same darn thing. So, to answer your question, I'd say neither. How about you grab a pint of ice cream, watch some trashy reality TV, and remember that life's too short to be asking silly questions like that?
You should get up and tell an adult or tell a trusted adult
Yes but another adult that is trusted should be told and that touching adult should be put in jail.
Tell him to leave you alone and if he doesn't, tell the police or a trusted adult.
Do they know you know? You can tell a trusted adult, or talk to your friends about it.
The best thing to do is to talk to a trusted adult.
I would definitely talk to an adult about it. A pastor. A grandparent. Teacher. Any trusted adult.