Cigarette packages should carry a warning of the health issues involved with smoking.
The freedom to petition the government is the freedom of the press. You can write and say what you want.
how the government will be set up
It depends on if you are speaking of sportsmanship or of the support being relieved in a situation.
Correct, they had no representation in government.
Essentially, due to market failure of some type: the market does not efficiently allocate some desirable commodity and the government attempts to correct this misallocation.
The word Concern? if so then yes..
The correct spelling of the word is "concern."
The correct spelling is "concern."
The correct punctuation for the business greeting "To Whom It May Concern" is a colon.
It is incorrect. "That vehicle is not feasible for your situation?" this is the correct way.
all answers are correct
All of the answers are correct.
She explained the situation to her teather. She explained that situation to her teacher.
In the recent past and to date (2010) The Greek government has been spending more money than it can collect in taxes from the people.To correct the situation the government has to raise taxes and or reduce expenditure.
the correct aftermath to the situation/question is what the answer is.