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on may 10,1773,the British Parliament authorized the East Indian Co.,which faced bankruptcy do to corruption and mismanagement,to export half a million pounds

of tea to the American colonies for the purpose of selling it without imposing upon

the company the usual duties and tariffs.

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Overriding the president's veto.

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Q: What is an example of legislative power?
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The power of the governor to call a special session of the legislature is an example of a legislature power?

legislative power

The power of the govenor to call a special session of the legislature is an example of a legislative power?

NO it is not. The Governor of a State is the head of the EXECUTIVE branch.It is therefore an example of EXECUTIVE POWER.

What is the legislative power of congress?

legislative power mean to have a two biocameral legislative

Who has legislative power in the state?

The names of State legislatures vary; in Illinois, for example, it's the General Assembly.

The us Constitution gives the legislative branch the power to make laws what is this an example of?

Separation Of Powers ! Plato

What power does the executive branch have over the legislative?

The president has no power over the legislative.

What is an example of Congress having too much power?

An example of Congress having too much power is the fact that they can impeach even the president. The Congress is the part of the legislative branch of government.

Which branch of the government has the power to make laws?

Legislative has the power to make laws.

What power does the legislative branch have over the executive branch?

The president has no power over the legislative.

The U.S. Constitution gives the legislative branch the power to make laws. This is an example of?

Balance of power. They make the laws, but the president has to approve the laws or veto them.

What is non-legislative power?

Simply it means authority/power that does not originate with the legislative branch of government. In American govt. non-legislative power originates from the executive and judicial branch in the form of executive orders and judicial review respectively

What is one example of checks and balances?

This question refers to the United States pioneered system of separate and distinct political units (legislative, executive, judicial) having the power to counteract one another to avoid the abuse and usurping of power. One example is judicial review which can be levied upon both the executive Td legislative. The executive has the power of veto over the legislative, and powers to selective enforce law through discretion.