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One example of majority rule is the democratic voting system. The candidate with the most votes gets the delegates in the state and wins the election.

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Q: What is an example of majority rule?
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What is an example of majority?

One example of majority rule is the democratic voting system. The candidate with the most votes gets the delegates in the state and wins the election.

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for majority rule

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Majority Rule.

What is a rule of the majority called?

A rule of the majority is called "majority rule". It is a principle that a decision is made by a vote in which more than half of the members of the group agree.

What agreement is implied in the concept of majority rule?

the largest minority will make the rule if there is no majority

What is the opposite of minority rule?

Majority rule

What is the opposite of majority rule?

The opposite of majority rule is minority rule. This means that the population or selection that is least represented will decide the outcome.

What is the representative government in the 13 colonies?

This was the first written example of democracy. It also used majority rule.

Opposite of majority rule?

Dictatorship or minority rule

Definition of majority rule?

The official definition for majority rule is "the principle that the greater number should exercise greater power."

What are the majority rule in Russia?

The majority rule in Russia is that decisions are made by a simple majority vote, where the option with the most votes wins. This applies to elections, referendums, and decision-making processes in various institutions. The principle of majority rule is a key aspect of democracy in Russia.