The model tells you how much you need to multiply an initial autonomous change in AD (aggregate demand) to determine the total change in AD.
does the united states of america function more on a pluralistic model of power or does the united states function more on an elite model?
3 types of a model are-Physical-Mathematical-Conceptual
The Presidential Model is the model in which the people select the executive.
Separation of power is the model. This is what balances power between the executive and legislative branch of government.
Actually it is the change in the equilibrium expenditure divided by the change in autonomous expenditure. That will equal the expenditure multiplier.
The concept of Multiplier highlights the effects of initial investment upon national income through changes in consumption expenditure.
the "Multiplier"
AUTONOMOUS AND INDUCEDEXPENDITURE :Autonomous expenditure is independent ofchanges in real GDP, whereas induced expenditurevaries as real GDP changes. In general, a change inautonomous expenditure creates a change in realGDP, which in turn creates a change in inducedexpenditure. The induced changes are at the heartof the multiplier effect.Induced expenditure is the sum of the componentsof aggregate expenditure that change withGDP.♦ Autonomous expenditure is the sum of the componentsof aggregate expenditure that do notchange when real GDP changes.
How does the leakages and injections in the aggregate expenditure model influence the level of GDP of an economy?
BALANCED-BUDGET MULTIPLIER:A measure of the change in aggregate production caused by equal changes in government purchases and taxes. The balanced-budget multiplier is equal to one, meaning that the multiplier effect of a change in taxes offsets all but the initial production triggered by the change in government purchases. This multiplier is the combination of the expenditures multiplier, which measures the change in aggregate production caused by changes in an autonomous aggregate expenditure, and the tax multiplier which measures the change in aggregate production caused by changes in taxes.
Government expenditure.
tree multiplier CSA (carry select adder) multiplier shift & add multiplier Higher radix multiplier
force multiplier
super multiplier refers to interaction of the multiplier and accelerator.
Force Multiplier
finite population multiplier finite population multiplier