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An oil reserve is a discovered but not yet consumed pocket of oil. Reserves are typically in the form of crude oil that is pumped out of the ground as liquid, or tar sand that is mined and later processed into oil.

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Q: What is an oil reserve?
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Where is the site of largest oil reserve?

The country of Saudi Arabia has the largest oil reserve in the world with over 100 billion oil barrels. The second largest oil reserve in the world is Iraq with over 21 billion barrels.

What an oil reserve?

An oil reserve is a discovered but not yet consumed pocket of oil. Reserves are typically in the form of crude oil that is pumped out of the ground as liquid, or tar sand that is mined and later processed into oil.

How do you drain the oil on a 84 fltc evo?

Drain plug is on the bottom of the oil reserve under the right side cover... same oil reserve that has the oil (dipstick) in it. It does not get all the oil but most of it. Harley uses a pump and used the oil lines to flush the motor but ya get most of it thru the reserve and the (old) lines can be fragile and may need replacement.

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Canada has 179 billion barrels of oil in reserve. The US has only 26.5 billion barrels of oil in reserve.

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Rwanda has 56 billion cubic meters of gas reserve.

Does Russia have large reserve of oil?

Yes,of course it does!

How many barrels are in Kuwait's oil reserve?

Kuwait has about 103 billion barrels of oil reserves.

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What is it about Iran's oil?

Iran, along with Saudi Arabia, is the world leader in oil and petrolium. The nation floats on a reserve of oil.

Where are the largest oil reserves found in North America?

The largest oil reserve in North America is found along the northern coast of Alaska.

How is oil a source of energy?

Oil has a reserve of chemical energy. If we burn it, that gets converted to heat energy.

In CIS who has the largest oil reserve?

Russia has the largest oil reserves in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).