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It fits with the federalist and republican notions of organizing the government. It gives priority to the plurality in individual states over a plurality in the popular vote. Arguably, it makes the voters in medium-sized or small-states have much more influence than those of large states, and certainly more than they would have if the election were decided purely by the popular vote. It provides a means of deciding the election in the case of death or disability of a winning candidate for President or Vice President.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

The Electoral College in the US gives the electors from smaller states a little more power in presidential elections.

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Q: What is another argument for keeping the US Electoral college system?
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What argument for keeping or eliminating the electoral college did you find most compelling?

It is one of the most dangerous institutions in American politics today and should be abolished. The primary impact of the Electoral College is that it gives the citizens of some states more influence over the presidential election than citizens of other states.

What is the branch of government that decides the meaning of the laws?

In the US, there isn't a branch of government assigned specifically with deciding "the meaning of laws." The legislative branch, or Congress, creates new laws and passes them into being. The executive branch, the president and his appointed staff and agencies, execute the laws passed by Congress. And in the case of conflict or argument about the laws, the judicial branch sits in judgment over the laws, to see that they are in keeping with the Constitution.

Why do politicians gerrymander districts?

Gerrymandering is all about keeping the status quo. It boils down to drawing the district lines in such a way that it keeps the EXISTING representative in power (or at least, that representative's party).

What is the function of manunggul jar?

for keeping the dead bodies...

What are political freedoms?

In the United States Constitutions political, human, and natural rights/freedoms are regarded a integral to one another. These freedoms are enumerated by the Bill of Rights, with the rights of speech, assembly, press, petition, keeping and bearing of arms, legal representation, and due process as specifically fundamental and unalienable.

Related questions

There are two main arguments for keeping the electoral college one argument is that it gives small states a bigger voice in choosing the president the other argument is?

that the House of representative will never have to decidea Presidential election gain

What argument for keeping or eliminating the electoral college did you find most compelling?

It is one of the most dangerous institutions in American politics today and should be abolished. The primary impact of the Electoral College is that it gives the citizens of some states more influence over the presidential election than citizens of other states.

What are the two main arguments for keeping the electoral college with one argument being that it gives small states a bigger voice in choosing the president?

The opposing argument is that the basic principle of democracy is that the majority rules; why would we want to create a complicated system by which a minority of the votes cast can elect a President contrary to the wishes of the majority? It's undemocratic. ____________________________ The founding fathers were not interested in putting together a democracy. They created a republic. They envisioned a government with various interacting layers, and a system of checks and balances. The intention was that no one branch of government would have too much control. In part, the electoral college was a "check" against the basic ignorance of the people at large, a charge that seems less harsh historically given the slow pace at which information travelled in the early days of the US.

What is the origin the the word uranium?

The elements Uranium, Neptunium and Plutonium were named after the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, respectively. Note that this is another argument for keeping Pluto a planet--it says so on our periodic table.

How many time in your history has the man who won the popular vote not won the electoral college vote?

During the time that people have been keeping track of the popular vote there have been three candidates who received an absolute majority of electoral votes despite not being the most popular choice among the voters of the country:Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876Benjamin Harrison in 1888George W. Bush in 2000

What is the argument for the existence of global warming?

Thermometers and accurate measurements and data keeping prove that the earth is warming.

Another word forl keeping a victim in a fixed position?

Another word for keeping a victim in a fixed position is "to take hostage".

Can the electoral college in a state be changed to allocate electoral votes based on the percentage of votes cast for either candidate?

Finally, a question is posted here that has millions of Americans thinking about when they go and vote in a national election. Shouldn't every vote count throughout the 50 states? Critics state that a populous vote would unfairly elect the next president. Yet, in all fairness to each voter in each state a percentage of electoral votes could be applied to each candidate who either took the majority of populous votes or not--keeping the electoral college intact and fair.

What is another word for keeping?

saving, retaining

What is another way to say she is keeping herself to herself?

She is being reserved or keeping to herself.

What is another word for keeping to the same format - in publishing?


Another word for keeping track of business costs?
