another name for a coast is..... uhhm no one no's another name. so someone needs to make one or find out what antoehr name can be or is.. another name for a coast is..... uhhm no one no's another name. so someone needs to make one or find out what antoehr name can be or is..
Another name for republic is democracy. The US is under a democracy and therefore under a republic for which it stands.
Another word for a "Voter" is an "Elector"
Originally, a chandler was someone who made and sold candles, but the word later came to mean anyone who dealt in household supplies.
The Candlemaker - cartoon - was created in 1957.
The duration of The Candlemaker - cartoon - is 780.0 seconds.
The Candlemaker - 1957 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
He was a silversmith a poet and a patriot in his lifetime but not a candlemaker as his father wanted him to be.
The pilgrims had jobs like silversmith, baker, farmer, glassmaker, candlemaker, blacksmith, sewing, furniture making, fisher, and printer
Another name for an agouti is manicou!
Another name for extremophiles is Archaea.
Another name for Earth's moon is "Luna."
Mudstone is another name for shale.