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A War By Any Other Name:The War of Secession.

The War of Rebellion. (The term used by Northerners and the US War Department.)

The American Civil War.

The Freedom War. (Used by Southern Blacks.)

Mr. Lincoln's War. (Used by Southerners.)

The War to Save the Union. (Used by Northerners.)

The War of Northern Agression. (By Southerners.)

The War for Southern Independence. (By Southerners.)

The War between the North and the South.

The War between the Yankees and the Rebels.

The Late Unpleasantness and The Lost Cause. (Southern terms.)

War between the States. (On the USMC War Memorial by order of the Commandant of the Marine Corps who was from Virginia and who objected to the use of the term Civil War.

The Civil War between the United States and the so called Confederate States. (Used by the US Supreme Court.)

When proclaiming British Neutrality, Queen Victoria referred to it as "Hostilities between the Government of the United States of America and certain States styling themselves the Confederate States of America".

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14y ago
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16y ago

The Revolutionary War is also called the American Revolution for the sake of distinguishing it from revolutions in other countries (such as the French Revolution), and is also commonly known as the American War for Independence.

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16y ago

American Civil |\\\\\\war American Civil War The Revolutionary War has never been referred to as the American Civil War, even though the citizens did not all agree on breaking from Great Britain. Many Americans called Tories or Loyalists fought with the British against their fellow colonists. But another name would be The War for Independence or the American War for Independence.

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13y ago

They were also referred to as colonists, or later on Americans.

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15y ago

One of the names for the Revolutionary War is called The War of Independence.

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12y ago

Another name for the Amerivan Revolution is the Great Awakening.

american independence

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Q: What is another name for the US Civil War?
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With regards to the US Civil War, many historians prefer to use the term of The War Between the States. For some historians, what is generally called the US Civil War, is not an accurate use of the term "civil war".

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The south was also known as the Confederate States of America.

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The war was called The Civil War.

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The US Civil War was also known as the War Between the States.

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As of August 2014, there is not another Civil war about to happen in the US.