Luckier, luckiest.
Luckily doesn't have comparative and superlative forms but the comparative and superlative of lucky are as above.
The importance of comparative public administration is to compare data across states and propose policies that benefit its citizens. Decisions are formed based on the findings.
Some major works in comparative politics are Passion, Craft and Methods in Comparative Politics by Gerardo L. Munck and Richard Snyder, Social Origins of Democracy and Dictatorship by Barrington Moore, and Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy by Daron Acemoqlu and James A. Robinson.
Comparative economic systems is the subfield of economics dealing with the comparative study of different systems of economic organization, such as capitalism, socialism, feudalism and the mixed economy.A historian who compares the expansion of political system to the expansion of economic system is organizing history by theme.
lan gerizekali you need to tell us which clauses... luckily for you i know that you are talking about the commerce, necessary, and supremacy clauses.. except i aint telling you shizz niggaaa.
George Washington became very famous after the war. Luckily he refused the offer to become another "King" George (we had just become independent from King George III)
comparative form of happily can be happier &superlative form of happily can be happiest
Comparative: older Superlative: oldest
comparative : purer superlative : purest
The superlative is cloudiest; the comparative is cloudier.
The comparative and superlativeforms of grand are: Comparative: grander Superlative: grandest
What is the comparative and superlative of Often
comparative - merrier superlative - merriest
Comparative: shallower Superlative: shallowest
The comparative is "stricter" and the superlative is "strictest".
The superlative of "sad" is "saddest" and the comparative is "sadder".
The comparative is greater and the superlative is greatest.
comparative = tenderer superlative = tenderest