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A constitution is the act or process used to establish or set up something, often this is a country or province. The constitution that is written is the supreme law of the land or territory in which it is establishing.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

A constitution is a list of the main and most applied to federal laws of a country. For ex. N. Korea has no freedoms regarding speech petition of the government. The have ABSOLUTY NO SAY IN GOVERMENT, like we do.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

A document of fundamental principles that the government acknowledges and is expected to follow during governing.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

A Constitution is basically a set of rules that grants authority to the government and determines how it will operate.

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What amendment says your hands can be cut off for shoplifting?

be the Eigtth Amendment to the Consititution which prohibits 'crul or unusual punishment.'

What plan does the Consititution lay out?

The US Constitution specifies the structure of the US Federal Government. It describes the branches of the Federal Government and how they work. It also has a series of amendments that clearly define the rights of US citizens. The Constitution also informs us that whatever is not covered in this document is left to the States. Here's an example of the US Constitution leaving a duty to US State governments. A State can identify serious crimes that could result in the death penalty. The law the State creates however must comply with the US Constitution. If a State decides not to have a death penalty, that's quite alright with the Federal government. But all US State laws must still be "Constitutionally" correct in that the law must not conflict with the US Constitution. Here's an example of that: A State decides to pass a law that allows State officials to close down any newspaper that calls itself a "communist newspaper". This would be a law that violates the Constitution's 1st Amendment which guarantees freedom of speech. This State law therefore does not comply with the US Constitution.

By the US Constitution who has the power to declare war?

It is a common mistake to think that the president of the US can declare war. This is incorrect.According to the U.S. Constitution, only Congress has the power to declare war on another sovereign nation.According to Article I , Section 8: "The Congress shall have Power ... To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years; To provide and maintain a Navy; To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces; To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress ...".However, the resolution in Congress must pass both the House and Senate, the President has the authority to either sign or veto the resolution. The ONLY times that a binding act of Congress does not cross the President's desk are: I) A Constitutional Amendment II) Articles of Impeachment, or a subsequent conviction or acquittal in the Senate. III) Confirmation of appointees. Historically the President has always asked Congress for an official declaration of war before Congress passes such a resolution, although this is not necessary.Other than the War of 1812 and the Spanish American War, Congress has overwhelmingly voted in the affirmative, therefore a Presidential veto would be toothless, even if he desired to do so.The US President does have the power to deploy troops to said location.The US Constitution says the Congress has the power to declare war

What are the salient features of democratic government?

A free democracy involves the people. The people can vote for whoever they want, though at the ballots, only a few candidates are actually listed. The power of the people hold the Government to account, when a government isn't doing too well, they are booted out as determined by the people. In a democracy, it is always most often majority or mob rule, where a majority can overpower decisions of a minority. A majority can be something as basic as 50.1% of the votes, or even 1 vote more than the minority. With majority rule, this leaves one half of the population (in theory) unhappy, while the other half is happy, this is a major flaw in democracy, however, it is an actual fact that not everyone can be satisfied at the same time There are also political parties form, so that people with the same views can assimilate. Examples of political parties are the Republican and Democratic party of the USA, the Conservative Party of the UK, and the Christian Democratic Union of Germany Democracy is either representative, like in the US, where the people choose representatives to go to Parliament/Congress. In theory, the Representative must represent his area according to the people, however, it isn't always the case these days. The representative usually gets one vote in Parliament and he/she can use the vote however he/she wants to determine whether laws are passed or not. The other democracy is Direct Democracy (in like Switzerland), where the people vote in referendums that determine whether laws are passed or not. This is called direct democracy, because it directly involves the people. Democracy also depends on how many people turn up at the booths, low turnouts don't represent the nation fully, and can lead to political disaster Democracy also requires confidentiality, where your vote is kept secret, in order to avoid intimidation, which leads to some people gaining unfair advantages. There many features and characteristics of democracy, but here are some.

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What is the Consititution?

Who is the father of the consititution?

Thomas Jefferson

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A change in the consititution is called?

An amendment

Who is the father of the Consititution''?

Thomas Jefferson

What was the document that stop slavery?

the u.s consititution

Which was the first state to approve the Consititution?


When was the US Consititution ratified?

On 21 June 1788.

Why was the Bill of Rights added to the consititution?

For equal rights.

What role did lucas play in the southern colonies?

she wrote a consititution

What do you call a change to the Consititution?

An Amendment. There are 27 Amendments to the Constitution currently.

What role did Eliza Lucas play in southern colonies?

she wrote a consititution