This paper develops a theory of financial intermediation based on minimizing the cost of monitoring information which is useful for resolving incentive problems between borrowers and lenders. It presents a characterization of the costs of providing incentives for delegated monitoring by a financial intermediary. Diversification within an intermediary serves to reduce these costs, even in a risk neutral economy. The paper presents some more general analysis of the effect of diversification on resolving incentive problems. In the environment assumed in the model, debt contracts with costly bankruptcy are shown to be optimal. The analysis has implications for the portfolio structure and capital structure of intermediaries.
The Constitution gives the President of the United States his delegated powers.
In the US government, the power of coining money is delegated or expressed.
Powers are delegated
An economic agent appointed to act on behalf of smaller agents in collecting information and/or investing funds.
power [[[[[ delegated
power [[[[[ delegated
They are called so because they are power specifically delegated to a certain level of government's jurisdiction.
Delegated powers are distributed authority in a federal system of government, so any federal system would have delegated powers.
The people within the colonies were tired of the delegated powers being placed on them by the British Parliament. (This is an example of the term delegated powers in a sentence.)
A delegated power is one that is reserved for the federal government, so obviously the national government has delegated powers.
Trade is a delegated power to the US Congress.
please explain authority in detail
No, it's an expressed power of Congress and could not be delegated.
The Constitution gives the President of the United States his delegated powers.