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majority rule

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Q: What is exercised when more than fifty percent of the people vote for and decide an issue?
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What is exercised when more than fifty percent of the people vote for and decide the issue?

majority rule

What is exercised when more than fifty percent of the people vote and decide an issue?

majority rule

How do you decide a reading with a 0.5 accuracy?

A reading with a 0.5 accuracy is not precise. There is only fifty percent chance from deciding on its reliability.

What is the percent of ten and fifty?

Ten is twenty percent of fifty.

What is fourteen percent of fifty?

Fourteen percent of fifty is seven.

What is fifty percent of seventy?

Fifty is what percent of seventy?

Who lead the iroquis?

it can be a man or a squa aka woman chief fifty people decide who there chife is

How do you use the word approximetly in a sentence?

Approximately fifty percent of people are male.

What does ''you have a fifty-fifty chance of spinning red'' mean?

The result of the spin will be red one half, or fifty percent, of the time. The other one half, or fifty percent, black will come up. In other words there is a fifty percent chance it will be red and a fifty percent chance that it will not. Hence fifty-fifty. With an actual roulette wheel, you have less than a fifty-fifty chance of spinning red.

How do you write 50 percent in word form?

"half"You can also write fifty percent.

How do you use fifty-fifty in a sentence?

It's a fifty-fifty percent chance that I will place in the competition.

What is 1 percent percent of fifty?
