Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) - the regulation which implements statutory requirements and Executive Branch policies for travel by federal civilian employees and others authorized to travel at government expense; it is in a user friendly question and answer format at http://www.gsa.gov/ftr
It is not true that only the federal acquisition regulation and dod directive 7000.15 accountable officials and certifying officers apply to dod personnel with regard to the use of the government purchase card.
The United States Court of Federal Claims (U.S. Court of Claims {A+ answer ^_^})
Because its goal is to directly influence legislation, the courts have ruled that limitations on lobbying for interest groups are legitimate.
The US Constitution does not guarantee education as a right or entitlement. That has been added by statute and regulation.
Truth In Lending - AKA, Regulation Z. Why is it called Regulation Z? This is one of many Compliances the federal government stipulates. Regulations are consecutively alphabetized (A-Z, and double letters after Z. E.g., AA, BB, etc.). Truth in Lending is the 26th regulation, thus, the 26th letter of the alphabet "Z." There is no other signaficance tied to the letter Z than that.
Federal Aviation Regulation
It has been estimated that federal regulation costs each household $6000 per year.
The federal acquisition regulation (FAR) is divided into 53 parts. However, many of these parts do not contain regulations. They are reserved for future regulations.
Federal question jurisdiction refers to cases that call into question or involve a U.S. Constitutional principle, treaty, federal statue, or federal rule or regulation.
In APA format, you would cite the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) as follows: Title of regulation, Volume number C.F.R. § section number (year). For example: Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 C.F.R. § 1.106-1 (2018).
H. S. Sanger has written: 'Federal preemption and regulation of surface coal mining' 'Federal preemption and the regulation of surface coal mining'
federal law preempts state regulations when a federal law regulates that particular subject.
I'm not sure