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The constitution says that "full faith and credit" shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. Thus each state must recognize, for example, a car registration issued in another state. This clause applies only to civil law, or laws relating to disputes between individuals, groups, or with the state.

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Q: What is full faith and credit clause of the constitution?
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Where the full faith and credit clause found in the constitution?

Article 4

Where in the constitution do you find the full faith and credit clause?

Article 4

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Article IV Section 1 The Full Faith and Credit Clause.

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What is the full faith credit clause?

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The Full Faith and Credit Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

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The clause of the US Constitution that requires states to support the laws and court decisions of other states is known as the Full Faith and Credit Clause. It is found in Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution. This clause ensures that legal decisions and obligations made in one state are recognized and enforced in all other states.

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The full faith and credit clause in the Constitution makes the states honor the laws of other states.