Abraham licons Nickname was Honest Abe come on Adults I am ten how am I smarter than you?
"Honest Abe"
No he hated being called "Abe" so no one called him Abe to his face especially his family and friends. He got the nickname Honest Abe but he didn't like being called Abe Lincoln so nobody called him Abe to his face.
Abraham Lincoln is his real name.FYI:Also they nicknamed him 'Honest Abe'.
Abraham Lincoln, who was the 16th President of the United States of America had many nicknames. Here are some of the nicknames:Father AbrahamHonest AbeIllinois Rail SplitterOld AbeSpotty LincolnThe Ancient OneThe Great EmancipatorThe LiberatorThe Rail-splitterThe TycoonUncle AbeUncle Abraham
Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the USA.
Abe's parents were Tom and Nancy Lincoln.
"Honest Abe" is one commonly heard Lincoln nickname.
Abraham Lincoln is his real name.FYI:Also they nicknamed him 'Honest Abe'.
Probably Abe -- Abe Lincoln was honest as "Honest Abe".
Honest Abe
Honest AbeHonest Abe
Honest Abe Yokum
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln's nickname was "Honest Abe."
Abraham Lincoln had the nickname of Honest Abe.