Unlike other components of an internal control system, humans are subject to judgment errors which can create weaknesses in an otherwise strong internal control system. As a result, faulty human judgment is an inherent limitation of any system of internal control.
checks and balances.
Not to discriminate against other human beings. [Novanet]
Unlike other components of an internal control system, humans are subject to judgment errors which can create weaknesses in an otherwise strong internal control system. As a result, faulty human judgment is an inherent limitation of any system of internal control.
unqualified right is the absolute right which means there is no limitation to such right.
One limitation of a physical model is that a model of a human body may look like a human body, but does not act/work like a human body does.( sorry only found one limitation )
A large limitation of human resource planning is uncertainty. Many HR professionals dislike the planning aspect because they believe it costs money in the form of time and training.
describe the historical limitation on participation of woman in united state to gain equal right
One limitation of computerized accounting is that some errors can go undetected. A human mind has better judgment as to what is sensible and prudent in accounting.
The human brain. As Einstein said; "We don't yet understand 1,000th of 1% of what nature has revealed to us"
They may require a permit for a public gathering.
A Human Right was created in 2010.
what are Talley's limitation.
Tagalog Translation of LIMITATION: hangganan