When many lands are ruled by one country, it is called an empire.
More then likely, that is called an empire. It could also be called a Kingdom
He ruled it for 16 years and the name was Pinochet.
There were many people that founded our country. However, our first formal president, George Washington, is commonly deemed the "father of our country".
It is ruled by a few priveledged people...
Nearly 100,000
Okay, here goes: The patriots were descendants of the Pilgrims and they lived in America, or the New World. At that time, America was ruled by England. The Patriots didn't want to be ruled by England anymore. They wanted their own country and to set up government for themselves. King George (who ruled England at that time) didn't want to give up his ownership and government of America, so that became a big fight between the Patriots and the Loyalists, who were followers of the king. That fight became known as the Revolutionary War, and it is definitely the most important war in the history of the U.S.A. Of course, the Patriots eventually won the war, but that was not without many years of arduous living, always having to be ready to get up with their guns and fight. Many people, Patriots and Loyalists alike, died during the Revolutionary War, and our country is forever grateful to them.
The word is "empire."
Yes they ruled for many years.
Great Britain United States of Cuba
Before the english ever came to North America, the whole country was ruled by many diffrent indian tribes.
A dictatorship is a country that is ruled by a single person there is no voting what he says goes. A democracy is a country ruled by many branches of government that are all voted for by the people
the British ruled the whole world except nepal
The Mongols that destroyed Kiev were called were called the Tartars. The overran the area in Ukraine in 1240 and ruled for many years.
No country has ever managed to rule all of Europe
Ancient China was ruled by many dynasties. Ancient China also had monarchy
A country with many islands is called an archipelago.