His middle name is Douglas.
An internet search did not find any US President with Milton as a middle name. President Nixon's middle name was Milhous.
Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President, had no middle name.
Anne Hutchinson, nee Marbury, did not have a middle name. This was not uncommon for the time period, as middle names did not become commonplace until after the American Revolution.
He didn't have a middle name.
Betti, but Betti died in her childhood. That is why Margot Franks middle name is Betti.
Margot Betti Frank
Yes, Anne Frank's sister's name was Margot. Margot died of typhus like Anne.
Anne Franks full name is: Annelies Marie Fran.
Anne Frank's parents were Otto Frank and Edith Frank, and her sister's name was Margot Frank.
Margot Frank was Anne Frank's sister. She died of typhus in a concentration camp within days of Anne's death.
Edith Frank was the mother of the Franks and Margot was Anne's sister
Anne's sister was named Margot Frank. Her father was named Otto Frank.
Anne Frank's parents names are Otto and Edith Frank. Anne's sisters name is Margot Frank.
Margot received a letter to labor camp, but the Franks just went into hiding
february 16, 1926 february 16, 1926