The US Government expects certain responsibilities form the US citizen in return of the citizenship status. Among the responsibilities, the most important is filing in the taxes regularly. They should file in taxes for the income that they earn even while residing out of the US.
For almost every right a citizen has, there is a corresponding responsibility.
Yes. All legal authorities agree on this. There is an open question of whether a child of citizens NOT born on U.S. soil is also a natural born citizen, but no disagreement about this aspect of it.
The US citizen parent must have five years US residence after age 14 for the child to be a US citizen. In this case, no. The sex of the US parent has no bearing on the case.
Serve on a juryVote in a federal electionTwo responsibilities of US citizens are to serve on a jury and vote in federal elections. The Constitution gives citizens the rights to a trial by a jury. The jury is made up of US citizens. Participation of citizens on a jury helps ensure a fair trial. Another important responsibility of citizens is voting. The law does not require citizens to vote, but voting is very important part of any democracy. By voting, citizens are participating in the democratic process. Citizens vote for leaders to represent them and their ideas, and the leaders support the citizens' interests.
A naturalized citizen can be a US Senator, although not the US President.
Voting All people must obey the laws whether they are citizens or not.
A US citizen should abide by the laws of the country and respect its principles, Constitution and founding fathers. The main responsibility would be to rise to protect the country at any situation. Voting in the elections is one direct form of showing the duty and responsibility of a USC.
You are born one .
No. You do not become a US citizen by marrying one. That is for you to earn by your own abilities!
Do you mean to ask if the child is a US citizen? Depends on how long the US citizen parent has been resident in the US. Need five years after age 14 to qualify.
If one or more of the parents is a US citizen, the child is a US citizen, regardless of where they are born.
If one of the parents is a US citizen, the child is a natural born US citizen. Yes, they can run for president.
We don't have your list. Sitting on a jury is the responsibility of the citizens.
no- the key thing is to be born in US territory and so be a citizen by birth.
The responsibility of the citizen that owns the gun needs to respect it and not go out and commit a crime with it. Also, it is the citizen's responsibility to legally register the gun.
One may become a US citizen by getting a "Green Card".