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Popular participation in government refers to various shemes that get the public involved in their country's government. It can refer to the democratic election system or systems like the U.S. government's "We the People" petition arrangement.

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Q: What is popular participation in government?
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When was Movement of Popular Participation created?

Movement of Popular Participation was created in 1989.

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Autocratic: government power high participation low and citizen participation absolute Oligarchic: Government power political power select and general citizen participation rule by a few Democratic: Government ruled by the people like the US Government power citizen participation I'm in gifted social studies

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The concept that political power rests with the people who can create, alter, and abolish government. People express themselves through voting and free participation in government

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Popular participation in civil society refers to the active involvement of ordinary citizens in decision-making processes, advocacy efforts, and community initiatives outside of government channels. This can take the form of volunteering, attending meetings or protests, joining organizations, and engaging in dialogue with policymakers. Popular participation is a key component of a vibrant and inclusive civil society that amplifies the voices and concerns of the general public.

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Participation in government?

Government participation is good for us tomorrow because together we can develop our country easily.

Citizen participation in an oligarchic government?

Citizens have little or no role in the government.

Based on participation which Olympic sports are the most popular?

The Olympics are comprised of many different sports. Based upon participation the sport that is the most popular is cycling.

The right to participate in government is called what?

The right to participate in government is called the right to public participation. The right to public participation is often conceived of as a human right.

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