About 25,000 dollars a year
President Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States of America, and his first name was Abraham.
Monticello, in Virginia.
President Nixon's middle name was "Milhous", his mother's maiden name.
Britain has never had a president.
Thomas Jefferson was his full name.
To limit the federal governments power over the citizensJefferson's first goal as President was to limit the federal government's power over states and citizens
For his first term Aaron Burr was vice president to Thomas Jefferson, but for jeffersons second term George Clinton was vice president
coming out of office.
About 25,000 dollars a year
President Sarkozy's first name is Nicolas.
President Garfield's first name is James.
President Lincoln's first name was Abraham.
aaron burr was thomas jeffersons vice president and was also dissapointed about being the vice president