Scarcity. It means there isn't enough of something for everybody to have all they desire, so there is competition for it, and if it's something that's being sold, price increases.
micro-economies is the study of scarsity and thee need to make trade off.
micro-economies is the study of scarsity and thee need to make trade off.
A shortage is when there is a LACK (not enough) of that particular resource/product/item. A surplus is when there is EXCESS, or too much of a resource/product/item.
As I am sure you know Mock chicken of any sort didn't come from the fact that chicken was a scarsity during the war years such as apples (loads of mock apple pie recipes.) It was actually the French and other European countries that introduced many Mock Recipes as a Cuisine Delight. Had nothing to do with the lack of chicken, apples, etc. Hope this helps you: MOCK CHICKEN RECIPE (ALSO CALLED: CITY CHICKEN) 1 lb lean pork 1 lb. boneless veal 1 1/2 tsp. salt/pepper 1 egg, beaten 1/4 cup milk 1/2 cup Ritz crackers (or any crackers) 1/4 c. shortening 1/2 c. bouillon Trim off excess fat from pork and cut both kinds of meat into 1 1/2 inch cubes. Stick skewers through the center of these cubes alternating pork and veal and using enough to fill skewers a little more than half full. Sprinkle salt and pepper over meat, then press into shape. Dip in egg diluted with milk. Then roll in cracker crumbs until well coated. Brown slowly on all sides in the hot shortening in a heavy skillet. Add bouillon and reduce heat. Cover and simmer slowly over low heat about 1 hour or until very tender. Make gravy from drippings, if desired, to serve with "legs" Yields: 5 - 6 servings. THICKEN GRAVY WITH FLOUR (2 TABLESPOONS FOR 1 CUP OF LIQUID.)