a group of ideas or tenets of democracy
Democracy, constitutionalism and capitalism.
Oppurtunity, Rights, Liberty, Democracy and Equality
Freedom of press protects our democracy because it ensures the American people will be well informed of the issues.
There are three nouns and a proper adjective. Thomas Hooker, father, and democracy are nouns. American here is an adjective, although it can be a noun.
8 basic tenets
Evolution theory is not one of the 8 tenets of American democracy. Individual worth, minority rights, and equality are some of the tenets.
No, statements of American democracy lack any scientific references.
minority rules
a group of ideas or tenets of democracy
Might makes right. Apex cheaters lol gnissorc
individual worthindividual freedomcompromiseequalitylimited governmentminority rightsmajority rulepopular sovereighty
1. Individual Worth 2. Individual Freedom 3. Equality 4. Popular Sovereignty 5. Majority Rule 6. Minority Rights 7. Limited Government 8. Compromise
1. Individual Worth 2. Individual Freedom 3. Equality 4. Popular Sovereignty 5. Majority Rule 6. Minority Rights 7. Limited Government 8. Compromise