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it is the hgagudfyga mountains

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Spuck Knob

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Q: What is the Highest point in West Virginia?
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Why is Spuruce Knod famous in West Virginia?

It is the highest point in West Virginia at 4863 feet.

What is the highest point of West Virginia?

the castle

What is the highest point on West Virginia?

Spruce Knob

Where is spruce knob?

The highest point in West Virginia.

What is the highest ponit in West Virginia?

The highest point in West Virginia would be Spruce Knob, with and elevation of 4,863 feet (or 1,482 meters).

West Virginia highest point?

West Virginia's highest elevation point, Spruce Knob, is 4,862 feet (1,482 meters) above sea level. West Virginia's lowest elevation point, the Potomac River at the Virginia state border, is 240 feet (73 meters) above sea level

What is the highest point point of West Virgina?

West Virginia's highest elevation point is Spruce Knob and is 4,862 feet (1,482 meters) above sea level

What is West Virginia's Highest Elevation?

The highest elevation in West Virginia is Spruce Knob at 4,863 feet. It is in Northeastern Randolph County, West Virginia. The Appalachian Mountains run through Central and Eastern West Virginia. These consist of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Allegheny Mountains.

Which state in the US has Spruce knob as its highest point and the Rhododendron as its state flower?

West Virginia

Why was Spruce knob famous for in West Virginia?

{| |- | Spruce Knob is the highest point in the state. That makes it a landmark. Most people know the highest point in their state. |}

Why isspruce knob famous in West Virginia?

Spruce Knob is well-known in West Virginia because it's the highest point in the state (4,862 ft. tall) and a popular tourist attraction.

What is the Elevation of Spruce Knob in feet West Virginia?

Spruce Knob, at 4,863 feet, is the highest point in the state of West Virginia. It is located in Pendelton County.