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In short, there is no one good form of government. Everying ruling body is subjected to the prejudices of its citizens. A poor man will see communism as the pinnacle of the civilized world and a god-sent gift to elevate those without means to survive. A dictatorial control would allow efficiency in state affairs. On the other hand, communism involves totalitarian control (at least until the transition to 0 government has been made). This infringes upon the freedoms of civilians which most would be disgruntled with. Yet even Republics are not shielded from criticisms. It is good for the rich capitalists who keep what they make but terrible and excrutiating inefficient in terms of decision making where as something like facism would have decisions made much quicker, having only to satisfy the approval or dissaproval of the current absolute leader of the facist state. Perspective is everything and whatever is right to you, count on the fact that it will be wrong to someone else.

If you're asking about what form of government is right for you, then the only person who can answer that is yourself.

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Enlightened Dictatorship.

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Q: What is the best possible form of government?
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