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The climate in Taiwan is Tropical monsoon and Subtropical monsoon. Wet-Dry tropical climate,mild,trade-wind coastal climate,humid climate,temperate rainy climate, and dry winters.


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Q: What is the climate in Taiwan?
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What is Taiwan's climate like?

Since Taiwan is close to the equator, it is very humid

What type of climate does Taiwan have?

Humid subtropical

How does the climate effect the fauna and flora of Taiwan?

i dont really know but i think it is way that the climate is :D

Why do people go to Taiwan?

People can go to Taiwan for many different reasons. Such as, wanting to visit family, wanting to experience Taiwan (Its culture, its food, its people, its climate), they might need to work, etc. It all just depends on the person.

What are some bad things about Taiwan?

The traffic, pollution, dirtiness, and climate can also be counted as a bad thing.

Why should you go to Taiwan?

I personally love Taiwan so I don't know why anyone would not want to go to Taiwan. But if you want reasons the climate of Taiwan would be hard to get used to if you aren't used to very hot and very humid climates. Also, if you don't like Taiwanese food that could be a problem also. If you are perturbed by uncleanliness (the streets in Taiwan can become very filthy) or traffic violations you might not want to go to Taiwan. Finally, if you are lazy and hate walking than Taiwan will not be a place for you.

Why should you not go to Taiwan?

I personally love Taiwan so I don't know why anyone would not want to go to Taiwan. But if you want reasons the climate of Taiwan would be hard to get used to if you aren't used to very hot and very humid climates. Also, if you don't like Taiwanese food that could be a problem also. If you are perturbed by uncleanliness (the streets in Taiwan can become very filthy) or traffic violations you might not want to go to Taiwan. Finally, if you are lazy and hate walking than Taiwan will not be a place for you.

What Tropic line goes through Taiwan?

The Tropic line that goes through Taiwan is the Tropic of Cancer. It passes through the central part of the island, bringing warm temperatures and influencing the climate of the region.

Where did Chiang and his nationalist flee to?

they fled to the island of Taiwan, where they established the Republic of China.

What country changed its name from formosa?

That would be Taiwan.

How was Taiwan discovered?

taiwan is a country so there is no such thing as when was taiwan discoverd

What is the money called in Taiwan?

currency in Taiwan is called the Taiwan dollar.