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The ability of the candidate heading a party ticket to help carry into office lesser candidates from the same party who appear on the same ballot. A negative coat-tail effect can occur when an unpopular candidate heading the party ticket is a disadvantage for other candidates of the same party.

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If an extremely popular candiate wins the Presidency, Congressmen who strongly support him can ride into office "on his coattails" and let his party pick up seats in Congress. The effect is more noticeable in the House, since everyone is up for election. Only 1/3 of the Senate are up for election at any one time, so it is harder to gain a large number of seats there.

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Q: What is the coattail effect?
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What is a coattail effect?

The coattail effect refers to a phenomenon where a popular candidate in an election helps others from the same party or political group to win seats due to their popularity. This effect can influence voters to support other candidates on the same ticket.

Candidates can benefit from the popularity of another candidate on the ballot from their party?

Coattail effect

Candidates can benefit from the popularity of another candidate from their party because of what?

Coattail Effect

How can the coattail effect influence elections results?

Well the coattail effect occurs when a strong candidate running for office at the top of the ballot helps attract voters to other candidates on the party's ticket. In effect, the lesser known office seeker "rides the coattails" of the more prestigious personality.The coattail effect occurs when a strong candidate running for office at the top of the ballot helps attract voters to other candidates on the party'd .

When a strong candidate helps attract votes to other candidates on his or her party's ticket it is known as?

A coattail effect is when another strong candidate helps attract voted for other candidates on his/her ticket. This has happened for many years during almost every election.

Which coattail effect is most likely to help elect which kind of candidate?

a less well-known candidate

The coattail effect is most likely to help elect what kind of candidate?

a less well-known canidate

When a popular presidential candidate helps attract voters to other candidats on the party's ticket is known as?

The Coattail effect.

What occurs when a strong candidate running for an office at the top of a ballot helps attract voters to other candidates on the party's ticket?

coattail effect

The coattail effect is most likely to help elect which kind of canidate?

Whichever is not doing their part. Its jot election time so nobody is riding anyone's coat tails.

What are the release dates for Lilly Done the Zampoughi Every Time I Pulled Her Coattail - 2012?

Lilly Done the Zampoughi Every Time I Pulled Her Coattail - 2012 was released on: USA: 10 November 2012

When more Republican state senators win elections as a result of a popular Republican governor in their state this is an example of?

It is an example of the coattail effect, or many people of a party being elected as a result of one popular candidate.