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The power that is vested in the President and the Vice President is called executive power. This power is expected to be exercised according to the constitution.

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Q: What is the collective power vested in the president and vice president called?
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What is the collective power vested in the vice president and president?


The Constitution states that the executive power shall be vested in .?

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The President is the chief executive officer.

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Artical II

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This maxim means that authority delegated cannot anymore be delegated. For instance, executive power vested by the constitution on the president.


The power vested in Harry in the movie Harry Potter. This is an example of vested in a sentence.

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President plus prime minister, no pope.Israel has no pope. There are the Chief Ashkenazi and Chief Sephardi Rabbis, but these are more ceremonial roles than actual government offices. As concerns secular power, the majority of powers are vested in the Prime Minister as the Head of the Governtment and a few powers are vested in the President as the Head of State.

What does the US constitution say about the executive branch?

1.The Constitution goes on to explain the duties and responsibilities of the president.The Constitution says that executive power is vested in the President in the Executive Branch.

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