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"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."

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Q: What is the composition of committees in the House of Representatives?
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The House of Representatives has standing committees?


There are standing committees in the House of Representatives?


How many standings committees does the house of representatives have?

The House of Representatives have 20 standing committees.

How many joint committees are there in the house of representatives?


What group belongs to the legislative branch?

Congress(the Senate, House of Representatives, Senate Committees, and House Committees) is in the Legislative Branch.

How many standing committees are in the House of Representatives.?

At this time, there are 20 standing committees in the United States House of Representatives. In addition, there is one select committee.

How many committees does the house of reps have?

it has 20 people in the standing committee not how many people how many committees

Which House leader refers bills to committees in the US House of Representatives?

The Speaker of the House

What is the most powerful committees in the house of representatives?

The most powerful committee in the United States House of Representatives is The House Rules Committee

Do most of the work in the House of Representatives because they can work efficiently?


Do most of the work in the House of Representatives because they can work efficiently.?


House representatives and senate do most of their work in small groups called what?

I am not an expert, but I think they are called committees.