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The US Constitution is amended by first being proposed by at least a two-thirds majority vote in both the Senate and the House of Representative. The Constitution can also be amended by a constitutional convention called by state legislatures.

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It may depend on whether you are referring to the US COnstitution or a state constitution.

The US constitution method will be discussed:

There are two ways to go about this, as outlined in the Constitution. The most common way, and the only way ever done is this:

An amendment must pass both Houses of Congress (Senate and the House of Representatives) by a two-thirds majority in each. From there, it will be passed along to the states. From there, three-fourths of the states must pass it. This typically involves the legislature of the state passing it with a majority!

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No. Any citizen of the United States can propose a Constitutional Amendment, but it won't formally enter the process of amending the Constitution until either Congress or the State Legislatures take it up. That process doesn't include any input from the President at all. In fact, the President may share his opinion of a Constitutional Amendment, but he may not veto it or in any way interfere with the process. Furthermore, the Courts have no jurisdiction over the process of ratifying a Constitutional Amendment either. If you consider Congress and the State Legislatures to be representatives of the people's will, then only the People may formally ratify a Constitutional Amendment. This is best represented by the 18th and 21st Amendments and how the People decided to amend the Constitution and then decided to undo the same Amendment.

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