If someone is hired by an agency from within an issue network, it is highly likely that they will share similar policy views with the agency. Issue networks function as alliances between different interest groups.
John F Kennedy hired Mort Sahl to write jokes for him.
Thomas Jefferson hired Lewis & Clark to explore the west.
The minimum age at which a person may be hired as a police officer is 18, though a candidate must enroll in police academy prior to being eligible for hiring.
President Grover Cleveland had been a draft dodger and he hired someone to serve in his place - it was legal to do so back then.
They aren't appointed, but hired.
a lawyer or solicitor
deployment is putting them into a situation and employment is where you get hired for a job
Abraham Lincoln I believe. However, the first generals he appointed all were fired or didn't want the position. In fact, he actually asked General Lee if he would take the position. Lee ended up going with the South. McClellan was hired then fired the hired then fired by Lincoln. There are a few more in between there. Then Sherman was hired, and so was Grant.
They are appointed by the President, approved by the Senate.
An "elected" official faces the voters and runs for election by popular vote. An "appointed" official does not have to be elected by the voters, they are hired/employed by an arm or agency of government to fill a vacancy for a specific needed skill or expertise.
Employment means you are hired to work, if there's any available. When you work, you are working.
The employer is entity hired us but partner is integrate with employer as not hire employees from employer
An association is normally either hired or you have to pass a cetain criteria to enter, whereas organizations are normally where everyone can get in.
In most jurisdictions, civil judges are appointed for a specific term rather than being hired or fired like employees. They can be removed from office through a formal process such as impeachment, disciplinary action, or not being reappointed at the end of their term.
He was appointed by the nobility in France (basically the king hired him