Within a nation, the Chief of State is the titular head and the symbol of all the people. A chief citizen, on the other hand, is the term for the President as the representative of the people.
electoral vote is the population of the state and and the amount of citizen that live state and popular votes is the amount of citizen that vote for a presidential election
1. Chief of State 2. Chief Executive 3. Chief Administrator 4. Diplomat 5. Commander in chief 6. Chief Legislator 7. Party Chief 8. Chief Citizen
head of state commander in chief chief diplomat chief legislator head of party chief executive chief administrator chief economist chief citizen
Chief citizen is one of six roles the President of the United States takes on immediately after assuming office. These roles are (1) chief of state, (2) chief executive, (3) chief administrator, (4) chief diplomat, (5) commander in chief, (6) chief legislator, (7) party chief, and (8) chief citizen.In the role of chief citizen, the president works for the people, not just for the government or people that elected them. The role requires that the president maintains a certain trust with the people, since it is his/her duty to work for the public interest. In addition, the president must place the nation's best interests above the interests of any one group or citizen. Some examples are educating citizens on important issues, leading by example, and concentrating on issues that affect American citizens.
1. Chief of State-Ceremonial leader of the government and symbol of nation.2. Chief Executive- Pretty much administrator of country and gives people jobs.3. Chief Diplomat- formulates foreign policy4. Commander-in-chief- The United States military is run by a non-military official, a citizen's army.5.Chief lawmaker- creates public policy6. chief of party- obvious7.chief citizen- represents all citizens, moral leader
A national citizen is the person that owes allegiance to a state or a country. A residential citizen is a person that is born within a country or a state.
The head of state is a symbolic role.
electoral vote is the population of the state and and the amount of citizen that live state and popular votes is the amount of citizen that vote for a presidential election
chief of state chief executive chief administrator chief diplomat commander in chief chief legislator chief of party chief citizen i have no idea what they mean and there is 8 roles not 7
Chief Citizen is one of six roles the President of the United States takes on immediately after assuming office. These rolesare: (1) chief of state, (2) chief executive, (3) chief administrator,(4) chief diplomat, (5) commander in chief, (6) chief legislator, (7)party chief, and (8) chief citizen.This role of Chief Citizen basically states that the president works for the people, not just for the government or people that elected them.
its the presidents job. the presidents job is chief of state, chief executive, chief administrator, chief diplomat, commander in chief, chief legislator, chief of party, and chief citizen.
1. Chief of State 2. Chief Executive 3. Chief Administrator 4. Diplomat 5. Commander in chief 6. Chief Legislator 7. Party Chief 8. Chief Citizen
1.chief of state 2.chief executive 3.chief diplomat 4.chief legislator 5.chief of party 6.chief economic planner 7.chief citizen 8.commander in chief
In a presidential government, the president is both chief executive and head of state.
The President must fill a number of different roles at the same time. These roles are chief of state,chief executive, chief administrator, chief diplomat, commander in chief, chief legislator, party chief, and chief citizen. Save
"Prime Minister" is usually the title for the head of government of an independent country, while "Chief Minister" is usually the head of government of a state or province.
1. chief of state 2. chief executive 3. chief administrator 4. chief diplomat 5. commander in chief 6. chief legislator 7. chief of party 8. chief citizen