The excecutive branch of the government is the President. You know, the one who makes vetos the laws or passed them. The laws he passes are national; NOT state laws. And there's your answer.
The judicial decisions that affect the excecutive branch are as such effective because they can essentially limit the powers of the branch and declare certain acts unconstitutional.
The function of the executive branch is to get government jobs done. These include wars, approving bills, and just controlling the states. To enforce the laws of the state and carry on the work of the government.
No, the IRS government is not a legit branch. The IRS works for a branch of the government but it does not have its own branch. The IRS works for the executive branch.
The president is chief of the executive branch of government.
The main branches of government are:Legislative branch,executive branch,and Judicial branch.
The executive branch of the United States government includes the President and vise president.
the president
leader of the excecutive branch of government. Like a president. Speaker of the house. currently Nancy Pelosi.
to lick our mom
Is a part of the 3 branches.
The executive branch can veto a bill passed to it by the legislative branch. The executive branch appoints the highest members of the judicial branch.
It's not. Law enforcement is a function of the Executive Branch of government, not the Legislative Branch. The US Attorney General is the chief law enforcement officer of the United States. He is also the head of the US Department of Justice. State and local police departments are likewise considered part of the Executive Branch of government.