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If one Six sided die is rolled and one card is drawn from a 52-card deck? o3o

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if there is a one six-sided number cube is rolled, and one card is drawn from a 52-card deck?

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Q: What is the fundamental counting principal?
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What is fundamental counting principal?

If one Six sided die is rolled and one card is drawn from a 52-card deck? o3o

What is the fundamental counting principal of tossing 4 coins?

For each of the coins, in order, you have two possible outcomes so that there are 2*2*2*2 = 16 outcomes in all.

Is digital computer based on counting principal?


What is the difference between a principle and a principal?

A principle is a fundamental truth or belief that guides behavior, while a principal is a person in a leading position, such as the head of a school.

Give the principal difference between counting and measurement?

i dont know.hahahah..

What is a synonym for fundamental?

essential, central, key, primary, principal, cardinal

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What is the homophone for principal?

principle : a fundamental law or a doctrineThe homophone for principal is principle.Example sentences:Our school principal is a good leader.I disagree with his actions based on principle.Principle.Principal is a person.Principle is a concept.PrincipleprincipleprincipleThe homophone for principle is principal, the leader or head administrator in a school.

What is the homonym for the word principal?

The homonym for the word principal is "principle." "Principal" typically refers to a person in a position of authority, while "principle" refers to a fundamental truth or belief.

Is principalal homophone?

No, "principal" and "principle" are not homophones. "Principal" refers to a person in a leading position or the original amount of money invested. "Principle" refers to a fundamental truth or belief.

How do you spell principle at school?

The correct spelling is "principal" when referring to the head of a school. "Principle" refers to a fundamental truth or a guiding belief.

What is every term of a sequence is 1?

It is a valid sequence which is fundamental to arithmetic since its partial sums define the counting numbers.