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I don't know what the land itself is called, but the government does own Puerto Rico, but it is not a state. A few years back there was an argument on whether it should be or not. I hope that helped.

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Q: What is the land owned by the government that is not yet a state called?
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You cannot make a claim of adverse possession on any government owned land. It is exempt from such claims.

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China has dual land tenure system. Land ownership is separate from land use rights. Land ownership is divided into two categories: state-owned land and collectively owned land. In other words, the land is either owned by the state or the collective economic organization ("CEO"). For the State-owned land, or state land, the State Council, the executive branch of the central government of China, administers state land on behalf of the state. For the collectively owned land, or collective land, it is operated and administered by rural collective economic organizations ("CEO") or villagers' committees; if land is respectively owned by two or more rural CEOs within a single village, it is respectively operated and administered by CEOs or villagers' teams; and if land is collectively owned by farmers of the CEO of townships, it is operated and administered by the CEO of townships.

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Is all urban land owned by the state in China?

In China, land is either owned by the state or rural collective economic organizations ("CEOs"). Chinese law stipulates that urban land is owned by the state, and rural and suburban land, which is stipulated otherwise by law to be state land, is owned by the state too. This sends a misleading message to land users that all land in the urban area is owned by the state. However, this is not the case. In practice, though it is a fact that most land in the urban area is owned by the state, some land in the urban area is indeed owned the CEOs. This is simply because China is experiencing the process of rapid industrialization and urbanization and Chinese government fails to well and timely conduct zoning and manage the expansion of cities. Chinese law straightforwardly forbids any land users to directly use the collective land for construction of commercial projects such as office buildings or condominiums. But in practice, it often happens that the collective land is illegally used to construct commercial projects. Therefore, land users must check the legal documents like title certificates with land users or government to determine whether a piece of land is owned by the state. In China, land is either owned by the state or rural collective economic organizations ("CEOs"). Chinese law stipulates that urban land is owned by the state, and rural and suburban land, which is stipulated otherwise by law to be state land, is owned by the state too. This sends a misleading message to land users that all land in the urban area is owned by the state. However, this is not the case. In practice, though it is a fact that most land in the urban area is owned by the state, some land in the urban area is indeed owned the CEOs. This is simply because China is experiencing the process of rapid industrialization and urbanization and Chinese government fails to well and timely conduct zoning and manage the expansion of cities. Chinese law straightforwardly forbids any land users to directly use the collective land for construction of commercial projects such as office buildings or condominiums. But in practice, it often happens that the collective land is illegally used to construct commercial projects. Therefore, land users must check the legal documents like title certificates with land users or government to determine whether a piece of land is owned by the state.

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Unless the purchase involves buying land OWNED by the federal government, it would most likely be a state jurisdiction case.

Is the Atacama Desert government-owned?

Yes, the majority of the undeveloped land in the Atacama is government owned.