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The house of representatives may have 1 state rep at the very least. There are 435 house members (District of Columbia has 1 rep - constitutional amendment #23, 1961 - for a total of 436, but only for the electoral college - not for regular legislation). The states are granted house members based on population, which varies from year to year, so the number of reps is subject to change. However, the total number of reps is fixed @ 435. Hope that helps.

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Lowest number of house members any state can have?


What is the number of members of the House of Representatives based?

The population of a state.

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The number of electors is determined by the state's number of members in the House plus the number of members in the Senate.

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There are 49 members of the State Senate and 98 members of the House.

How is the number of the house representatives determined?

The members of the House, for each state, is determined by that state's population.

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Every state is guaranteed two house members. However, the number of house members for every state is not always the same - they change depending on population shifts.

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A state's population determines the number of members in the House of Representatives.

What determines the number of members in the house for each st?

A state's population determines how many House members the state has. A higher population means more representatives in the House.

How there is 535 congress members?

100 Senators..... 2 from each state. 435 in The House of Representatives. Number varies state to state based on population.

Is the number of senates seats held by each state the same as the number of house seats?

No. The Senate has 100 members while the House has 435 members.

What is the number of members in the House based on?

each state has a certain number of representatives based on the population of that state

What is the total number of members in each house of congress?

The number of representative in the U.S. House of Representatives is fixed at 435.