I believe John Hancock was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. When someone tells you to sign your John Hancock, they mean to put your signature on what ever it is they are referring to.Write your signatureThat just means : to sign your name somewhere-- to put your signature on a piece of paper.This is an idiomatic expression meaning your own signature or mark.It immortalises the first signatory of the Declaration of Independence.
John Adams has the smallest signature on the Declaration of Independence.
When the Supreme Court issues a ruling, there is no further avenue of appeal. That makes them the final authority.
Richard Stockton, who was a lawyer from New Jersey recanted his signature on the Declaration of Independence. He was captured by the British and tortured until he plead allegiance to the King.
An antonym for "signature" is "anonymous," meaning without a signature or name.
Approval is a process and signature is a confirmation.
A sharp key signature is one that contains sharps.
puja bhardwaj
its a type of STD
i dont exactly know if this is the meaning, but green issues is problem with the enviroment
it's meaning it's signature
The typical meaning for John Hancock is your signature. So when someone asks you for your "John Hancock" they are asking for your signature.
It has no meaning. They tried something with the letter 'C' and the signature colors Blue and Green and the logo was born. No specific meaning as such.
3 beats per measure
The literal meaning is - the signature is not required. HOWEVER - not enough is known of the situation to make a complete answer. WHAT is an "employment authorization card," WHO or WHAT is issuing it, and WHOSE signature is being "waived?"
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