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James!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!pretty cool dude

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Q: What is the most common lat name for presidents?
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Who were members of George Washingtons Cabinet back in the lat 1700's?

sec. of state- Thomas Jefferson, sec. of treasury- Alexander Hamilton, sec. of war- Henry Knox, 1st chief justice-john jay, attorney general-Edmund Randolph

With a heart full of love and gratitude i now take my leave of you?

This was part of General Washington's farewell address to his officers in 1783. The American Revolution had ended, and George Washington fulfilled what he had promised to do at the beginning of the war, put down the sword and return to regular life. Many of his soldiers wanted him to become king. Washington would hear of it. So as soon as the lat British soldier boarded a ship to return to England, Washington resigned his commission as not only General of the armed forces but Commander in Chief.

Which part of the world was the Garden of Eden?

Eden's location remains the subject of controversy and speculation. There are hypotheses that locate Eden at the headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates, in Mesopotamia, Africa, and the Persian Gulf, among others. It is no longer thought to exist since the flood, but was formerly on rivers referred to as the Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates.The flood event would have completely obliterated the Garden of Eden and many other features of the pre-flood world. The use of names after the flood to refer to rivers which existed before the flood does not mean that they were essentially unchanged. It simply may mean that Noah and others used names that they knew previously, or that the new rivers reminded them of what existed before. Thus, not only is it not known where the Garden of Eden originally was, it is unlikely any evidence of it would be found in the region of the rivers with similar names today. Since the first humans lived in Africa, it is understandable that some would wonder whether the biblical Garden of Eden was also in Africa. However, it seems clear that the biblical authors believed that the legendary garden was somewhere in the Middle East.In Rev 2 : 7 states " He that hath an ear , let him hear, that the spirit saith unto the churches , to him that overcometh I will give to eat of the tree of life , which is in the midst of the paradise of God . 2Corth. 12 : 1-4 ; stated that paradise is in heaven . KJVI believe The Bible gives us the area where the Garden of Eden van be found.. unfortunately it can only be pin-pointed with the rivers described, that includes the ones that do not flow in this present time.My conclusion based on these facts is that the Garden of Eden must still exist somewhere. And I wouldn't even be surprised if it was already found.. but according to Genesis chapter 3, verse 24, a cherubim (=angel) was placed there to guard it with a flaming sword flashing back and forth. Again, my conclusion is that IF anyone found it.. they didn't live to tell ;)It is no longer thought to exist since the flood, but was formerly on rivers referred to as the Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates.The flood event would have completely obliterated the Garden of Eden and many other features of the pre-flood world. The use of names after the flood to refer to rivers which existed before the flood does not mean that they were essentially unchanged. It simply may mean that Noah and others used names that they knew previously, or that the new rivers reminded them of what existed before. Thus, not only is it not known where the Garden of Eden originally was, it is unlikely any evidence of it would be found in the region of the rivers with similar names today. Since the first humans lived in Africa, it is understandable that some would wonder whether the biblical Garden of Eden was also in Africa. However, it seems clear that the biblical authors believed that the legendary garden was somewhere in the Middle East.There is no Garden of Eden todayANOTHER ANSWER:Since the topography of the earth changed with the flood [with the splitting and shifting of the continents and such under tremendous global pressures and forces], we can only speculate about the Garden's location. My speculation, therefore, is that since Jerusalem seems to be the apple of God's eye, and is the PLACE on earth from which God's Word focuses and looks out on the rest of the world... my guess would be the "global positioning;" or "lat/long" [latitude and longitude] of Jerusalem today -- 31.78001 degrees N, 35.21882 degrees E. as viewed from outer space.At the end of Revelation... after the earth is REMADE a second time, and a NEW EARTH is revealed; we find NEW JERUSALEM descending from heaven with the THRONE OF GOD THE FATHER establishing His throne on the NEW EARTH to be WITH HIS CHILDREN, and, virtually, making planet earth the CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE!The former location of the Garden of Eden, ultimately, is moot at this point, but:Will New JERUSALEM position itself at the present Jerusalem's "lat/long," where the thrones of past kings have ruled... and where Jesus Christ Himself shall have just finished "ruling over the nations of the world for one thousand years?"It's no doubt little more than interesting to consider... but consider what the Scriptures also reveals to be a HEALING SOURCE for all the nations of the world right smack dab IN THE MIDDLE of New Jerusalem:"...he showed me the River of the Water of Life... issuing from the throne of God [the Father] and of the Lamb. On either side of the River, midway, between it and the Main Street of the City, was THE TREE OF LIFE..." (Rev.22:1-2 WEY Weymouth's New Testament).Wasn't the Tree of Life first seen in the Garden of Eden? Might not Jerusalem's location on the earth be a soft spot in God's heart... from the beginning and for all time?"O JERUSALEM, JERUSALEM, the city that kills the prophets and stones God's messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn't let Me. And now look, your house is left to you, empty and desolate. For I tell you this, you will never see Me again until you say, 'Bless the One who comes in the Name of the LORD!'" (Matt.23:37-39 NLT New Living Translation)

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