A wankara is a large, double headed drum. It has a gat skin stretched across both ends. It has a deep bass sound.
Soiree evening part with musical entertainment
in a musical called "ration or we run out of food and starve to death"
The two U.S. presidents that were accomplished pianists were Harry S. Truman and Richard Nixon. Other presidents have played other instruments, such as Bill Clinton who plays the saxophone.
The MP's that became known as the Tories were the King's allies in parliament. The Whigs, who were the opposition nicknamed the government 'Tories' originally as an insult after a notorious band of thieves and bandits from Donegal in Ireland.
Whip is a percussion instrument. It is also called a slapstick.
a musical instrument? a wind instrument? a string instrument? a percussion instrument?
It is called an ocarina.
They can be called Instrument Makers.
Jazz is a type of music not a musical instrument.
Usually, they are called a musician.
It's not a musical, but theres a play called Quillters.
it is a musical instrument!
The mandolin is a musical instrument. The mellophone is a musical instrument.
There is a musical instrument called a triangle, it is both shaped, and named, the same as the three-sided figure itself.