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beringia or the bering strait

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Q: What is the name of the land bridge that connects America to Asia?
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What was the land bridge that connected America to Asia called?

The Bering Land Bridge.

What region did the land bridge to the America?


Does a River connect Asia and Africa?

I do believe the Sinai Peninsula, a land bridge, connects Asia and Africa.

What is is beringia?

is a prehistoric land bridge that once con-nected Asia and north America

What was the bridge called in the middle of the ocean from asia to america?

Bering Land Bridge.

What strip of land connects Africa to this continent?

The Sinai Peninsula connects Africa and Asia. see Related Links below for a satellite photo & interesting facts about the Sinai.

What connects the continents Asia and Africa?

The Sinai Peninsula, located in Egypt, connects the continents of Asia and Africa. It is a land bridge that forms the boundary between the two continents.

What continent was connected to north America by land bridge at one?

Well, North America was connected to Asia at one point by a land bridge

What two continents were connected by a land bridge?

North America and Asia were connected by a land bridge known as Beringia during the last Ice Age. This land bridge allowed early humans to migrate between the two continents.

What is the name of land connecting Asia and north America?

It is called the Bergin Land Bridge

What land bridge that once connected asia and north america is now beneath which body of water?

The Bering Land Bridge connected Asia and North America and is now beneath the Bering Sea.

How did they Cheyenne Indians get to America?

they crossed a land bridge connected to Asia!