Hernando Cortez sailed on a Ship known as the Caravel. A caravel is a small, highly agile ship industrialized in the 15th century by the Portuguese to travel around along the West African coast and into the Atlantic Ocean. The ship sails gave her pace and the power to sail against the wind.
it was not self government it was kings government because that is why they sailed away in a ship so they could get riches and they did that for the queen & and king.
Through DNA, the Probasco families are not from Madrid. In fact, Jurriaen Probatski, Polish, born @1620, in Silesia. He left for Holland, then, took a ship to the Dutch colony of Recife, Brazil. He met and married Heyltien Aetsse, had three children, and sailed back to Holland, when the Portuguese invaded Recife. The family sailed from Holland and landed in New York (New Amsterdam)in August, 1654. All Probasco's are descendants of Jurriaen Probasco, also known as George. You will find the history of the Probasco lineage at the web site of Nora Probasco. It is truly remarkable.
the may flower ship is like a boat that is in the ocean the may flower ship is like a boat that is in the ocean
If it's big trunks with stuff you won't need during the trip, mostly in the baggage hold of the ship. If it's a passenger ship, it will be in the closet in your cabin. Valuables will be mostly kept in a small safe inside your cabin or the ship will have a central safekeeping area managed by one of the ship's stewards or pursers.
The St. Julien was a large French ship of 500 tons
Some of Hernando Cortes ship names were Diego Candle Ship, San Lazaro, and the Etraos and the Gatre.
The main ship that Cortes directed`s name was Capitina
Some of Hernando Cortes ship names were Diego Candle Ship, San Lazaro, and the Etraos and the Gatre.
Hernando Cortes probably wouldn't have named his ship 'hi' obviously
It was named Diego!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Diego Candle ship was the ship in which Hernando Cortez sailed to Mexico.
only 23
The ship was a candle ship, long and slender. There is a small image at the related link.
Photography was not invented when De Soto sailed
by ship i think 8) Frist of all his name was Hernan Cortes, the only option to cross the Atlanic Ocean in that point in time was through ship. The trip took a few months since the ships did not have engines.
The Mayflower was the name of the ship that the Pilgrims sailed on. The Ship, before the Pilgrims' Voyage, was used predominantly as a cargo ship.
he had some supplies like guns and food on his ship