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The willingness of the government and the Exutive Branch to enforce that decision.

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Q: What is the outcome of a supreme court decision determined by?
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Is a Supreme Court decision permanent?

In most cases a Supreme Court decision is permanent. The current Supreme Court can change the decision of a previous Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court must have a to render a decision in a case.?

The Supreme Court must have a simple majority to render a decision in a case.

How can the Supreme Court overturn a decision?

The Supreme Court can overturn a decision by hearing an appeal of the case and ruling in favor of a different outcome. This can happen if the Court believes the lower court made a mistake in interpreting the law or if new evidence or legal arguments are presented.

What factors can overturn a Supreme Court decision?

A Supreme Court decision can be overturned by a constitutional amendment, a new Supreme Court decision, or a change in the composition of the Court.

What was one outcome of the supreme court decision in marbury v madison 1803?

the principle of judicial review was established

What is the outcome when a case is reversed and remanded by the Supreme Court?

When a case is reversed and remanded by the Supreme Court, it means that the decision made by the lower court is overturned, and the case is sent back to the lower court for further proceedings or a new trial.

School integration shows the outcome of which 20th century landmark Supreme Court decision?

Brown v. Board of education

Can you appeal a Supreme Court decision?

Yes, you can appeal a Supreme Court decision to a higher court, such as the United States Court of Appeals.

The official decision of the Supreme Court is known as what?

The official decision of the Supreme Court is known as an opinion. Rulings by the US Supreme Court cannot be appealed by a higher court.

What are the powers of the supreme court od India?

supreme court's decision is the fynal decision. supreme court can ineterpret the law. supreme court hav a right to punish the personif he/she breaks the law.

Can the US Supreme Court overrule a state supreme court's decision?

Yes, the US Supreme Court has the authority to overrule a state supreme court's decision if it involves a federal law or constitutional issue.

How did the Supreme Court rule in the Miranda decision?

The supreme's court overturned Miranda conviction in a 5 to 4 decision.