An independent group of people living in a defined territory with an organized government.
A. Territory B. Population C. Political organization- a government
The Four Characteristics of a StatePopulation, Territory, Sovereignty, and Government.territory, government, population, and sovereignty.
The Hampshire Grants was disputed territory between New York and New Hampshire. Although neither of those states was ever fully able to exert control over the grants, it is inaccurate to say the territory was an independent republic. It had no well established government, it carried on no foreign policy and it's residents were citizens of the United States. It was finally organized and admitted to the Union as the state of Vermont.
An independent group of people living in a defined territory with an organized government
An independent group of people living in a defined territory with an organized government.
Greece consisted of hundreds of independent city-states, each with its own territory, city and government.
A country is defined by its territory, population, government, and sovereignty. It is a geographical area that is recognized as an independent political entity with its own government and borders.
A State
A new state may not be created from the territory of an existing state without its permission. A state is a nation or territory that is considered as an organized political community under one government.
Independent DONT ASK WHY :/
That area is called a country. It is a defined territory with its own government, laws, and borders that distinguish it from other nations.
In human geography, a state is a politically organized territory with a permanent population, defined territory, government, and capacity to enter into relations with other states. States vary in terms of size, power, and form of government.
Iowa Territory was organized in 1838