I am not sure but the Manager of the City's salary is $104,000 a year.
Lansing is the capital of Michigan.
Michigan's neighbors are Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and Canada.
An important physical feature are the great lakes of Michigan.
michigan did play a role in the revolutionary war:)
About 175,000,000
According to the US census of 2010, the population of Michigan was 9,883,640.An estimate in late 2011 was 9,876,187 (continuing the decline since 2000).9.91 million (2014)
According to the US census of 2010, the population of Michigan was 9,883,640.An estimate in late 2011 was 9,876,187 (continuing the decline since 2000).9.91 million (2014)
Michigan Bell's population is 8,900.
Equality Michigan's population is 7.
MIchigan has a larger population.
Mattress World of Michigan's population is 100.
The Census Bureau estimated that the population of Michigan in 2011 was 9,876,187.
The population of Lansing, Michigan is just over one hundred and fourteen thousand as of 2011. Lansing, Michigan is the capital city of the state of Michigan.
According to the 2000 US Census, the population of Michigan was approximately 9,938,444.
University of Michigan Credit Union's population is 110.
in 2008 the population was 72413 in 2008 the population was 72413 in 2008 the population was 72413