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checks and balances

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Janice Connelly

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

check and balances, which As you can see, the congress has the power to make law, but the president may veto any act of Congress. In its turn, Congress can override a presidential veto by a two-third vote in each house.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The checks and balances between the branches of power. The president can limit Congress' efforts by striking down would be legislature (though Congress can veto the president's veto by voting the bill through again) and Congress can punish the president for misdeads by removing him from office. In this way, Congress cannot pass a openly flawed and biased law while the President cannot do anything too harmful to the nation for fear of losing his job.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The system of checks and balances.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

nonlegislative powers

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Q: What is the presidents power to veto an act of Congress is an example of?
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Congress DOES have the power to pass a bill into law over a Presidential veto.

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Using the veto indicates that the President disagrees with Congress and that Congress was willing to pass a law they against the President's wishes.

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If a US president vetoes a bill sent to him by the US Congress, the president may choose to veto the bill. In such a case, the bill is sent back to the congress. If the Congress can come up with a two thirds majority, then the bill must pass as law.

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The president can veto bills that are proposed to him, address Congress formally, and appoint justices to the USSC that are favorable to his political views and can use judicial review over Congress.

Presidents checks Congress through what?

The veto.

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The supreme court can make sure the president doesn't abuse his power by deeming laws bills passed by the president unconstitutional.

What is the presidents main check on congress?

His power of the veto, and the power he wields at the (supposed) head of his political party.

What are the three checks of the power of congress?

The President can veto legislation. The Supreme Court can deem laws unconstitutional. The President nominates Supreme Court Justices.

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Congress can pass a BILL over the President's veto making it a law.