A 1983 Juan Carlos coin is worth about $1 to $5. The exact amount will depend upon the condition of the coin and if it has been circulated or not.
The average price of a movie ticket in 1983 was $3.15.
The average price of gasoline in 1983 was 37p in the UK http://www.speedlimit.org.uk/petrolprices.html and the average price of gasoline in 1983 in the USA was $0.81 a gallon.
How much is a 1983 chevy truck worth?
It is worth the price of silver, which at the moment is $27.35 per troy ounce. The price of silver fluctuates very rapidly however and may change value daily or even hourly.
With Price stamped on the back of the calendar its worth .........$ 25.00 Calendar with out the price stamp on the back will go for ........$ 40.00 Prices are quoted in Canadian Funds
Quarters from 1983 are still worth 25 cents.
Wont be worth anything no a days so many of them where made that they are worthless now
The Chrysler corporation 1983 stock price was $26.75. In the previous year, their stock price was at $15 per share.
The average price of a movie ticket in 1983 was $3.15.
For Love and Honor - 1983 The Price of Dreams 1-10 was released on: USA: 27 December 1983
Lottery - 1983 Detroit The Price of Freedom 1-4 was released on: USA: 30 September 1983