Role of the resource centre of the ministryin charge of the campaign against HIV/AIDS and STI.
lord north was the prime minister of great Britain and led them into war with the American colonies
Who is finace minister of Karnatka
The United States does not have a Prime Minister. The head of the executive branch in the United States is the President. George Washington was the first President of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797.
A minister of trade is a person which would import and export products from overseas. Also a trade minister would travel a lot.
mr.rajendra darda is the education minister of state of maharashtra.
Smriti Zubin Irani is the Minister of Human Resource Development for India.
There is no such post of Education Minister in India. Education comes under the Ministry of Human Resource and Development. Presently (in 2011), Kapil Sibbal is the Minister for Human Resource Development.
Palam Raju is currently the Human Resource Development minister of india.Answer dated :05.04.2013
kapil sibal
Now there is on such post of Education Minister in India exists. Education comes under the Ministry for Human Resource Development. At present Kapil Sibal is the Minister for Human Resource Development of India.
Kapil Sibbal is human resource and development,communication and IT minister.
arunvikram singh
arunvikram singh
There is no Human Rights Minister for India. Kapil Sibal is the Human Resource Minister of India.
I want to know about what is the role of human resource management I want to know about what is the role of human resource management
Human resource department minister of India
Kapil Sibal