The Mace of the United States House of Representatives is the symbol of the Office of the Sergeant at Arms. It is one of the oldest symbols of the U.S. government.
an agreement to slow the arms race.
There are six positions that sound relatively meager, but are important to the working of the system. These positions are clerk, speaker, sergeant at arms, doorkeeper, postmaster, and chaplain.
The constitution establishes the Senate and the House of Representatives as the two arms of Congress. The Senate generally consists of Senators and support staff including secretaries and interns.
The Oval Office.
The Red Cross symbol is one symbol that represents helping others. This is a well known symbol worldwide for providing aid to those who need it.
The correct title is; Sergeant AT Arms.
The plural form of sergeant-at-arms is sergeants-at-arms.
sergent in arms
Seargents At Arms
Sergeants at arms is the plural of sergeant at arms
No, a Sergeant at Arms from Toastmasters International does not carry a lethal weapon.
The sergeant at arms stood guard at the barracks entrance.
The plural form for the compound noun sergeant at arms is sergeants at arms; the plural possessive form is sergeants at arms'.
The compound noun is sergeant at arms, an open spaced compound noun.
Is a Sergeant-at-Arms considered a board member and if so should they attend board meetings?
a person
no it is a title not a rank