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Q: What is the title the president deserves for his job as head of a vast bureaucracy?
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Who provide a link between the President and the offices of the bureaucracy?

The Cabinet secretaries head the departments of which they are the secretaries.

Who provides a link between the president and the offices of bureaucracy?

The Cabinet secretaries head the departments of which they are the secretaries.

What is the title of the head of the executive branch?


President's title as head of military?

Commander in chief

What is Felipe Calderon's title in Mexico?

Nowadays (Mar 2013), he is an ex-president.

What title do you give to the head of the executive branch?


Who is the head of the country and what is their title South Africa?

President Jacob Zuma

Who is the head of the agency under the President that assists him in managing and coordinating the bureaucracy?

Sylvia M. Burwell is the current director of the Office of Management and Budget.

What is France's head of government title and name?

President, currently its Nicolas Sarkozy.

What is the title of the chief executive or head of the executive branch of the united States?

The president

What is the title of the chief executive or head of the executive branch of the unites states.?

The president

Was Marcus Garvey a president?

Marcus Garvey was not elected president of anything. Although he was the head of a back-to-Africa movement, his title was not president.